ATEX Training |
Ex Testing LLC has significant experience with ATEX Training. Our lecturer has 10 years
experience each in this field. Our courses contain the latest information delivered by
‘ATEX engineers’ who can draw from practical experience to keep the course interesting,
relevant and practical. The open courses are delivered at our in-house training facility
in Gwanggyo Business Center located near Dong-Suwon IC, where your access cannot be easier
from both Gyungbu highway, Youngdong highway and Yongin-Seoul highway.
Full joining instructions will be provided on booking. We can accept booking with a purchase
order (companies) or by credit card payment.
Training for Ex Equipment Manufacturers
Intrinsic safety training for designers
Non-Electrical Design Course
Implementing Explosion Safety
Conduct & Manage Ex Inspection
Please subscribe to our newsletter (on your right) to get advanced information of training courses and seminars.
CompEx / CoPC – Personal Competency Training |
In conjunction with ExVeritas Limited in the UK, Ex Testing LLC can deliver several CompEx modules as following;
Please Contact us to book a place on the Course or to get a quote
for training at your location
2-DAY Ex BASIC COURSE FOR E&I Technician, Engineer or Inspector
1-DAY COMP'EX' Foundation Module
2-DAY CompEx Ex01R-Ex04R 'Refresher' COURSE
at any suitable training location, preferably at customer premise for up to 10 at a time.
ATEX Training at your location |
Have a number of people in your company requiring Training? Bespoke ATEX Training may be the most
cost effective solution.
All courses can be made bespoke for your company. We often run small classes for just two or three people
from your company. It is a great way to learn and is only focused on your products or site.
By analyzing your company needs, culture and environment, we can dramatically reduce the course duration
and cost while maximizing retention of knowledge. Our trainers have personally delivered ATEX and DSEAR
training to the worlds leading big-named companies. Our training is truly bespoke and delivered by experts.
All of our courses are customized to your exact needs prior to delivery.
Project Based ATEX Training |
Do you have a project that needs completing URGENTLY,
Do you need a re-design of ATEX product? or initial design ?
Do you need to review explosion safety ?
Why not combine expert consultation, training and a completed project from the European CBs?
This service has many benefits and is a very cost effective method of receiving ‘on the job’ training
whilst completing real work that benefits your company. Each project is totally customized to your
needs addressing both the expected project outcome and the learning needs of the client.
Both training and project certification can be issued.